Working Groups Guidelines
The following working group guidelines were adopted by the IUCH Council, September 1, 1994.
1. Definition
- An IUCH Working Group (WG) is a network of individuals who share a common interest in a specific field of circumpolar health, which is officially recognized and sponsored by the IUCH and reports to its council.
2. Objectives
- A WG shares the general goals and objectives of the IUCH. By focusing on a specific field of circumpolar health, a WG promotes and encourages closer collaboration between individuals and institutions involved in circumpolar health, a WG promotes and encourages closer collaboration between individuals and institutions involved in circumpolar health and the exchange of practical experience and research data.
- Each WG shall establish its own specific objectives and is responsible for monitoring progress towards meeting its objectives.
3. Eligibility
- Any member of an adhering body of the IUCH or the IUCH council may propose the formation of a WG. Membership in the WG is open to all interested individuals, whether or not they are members of an adhering body.
4. Scope
- A wide variety of fields are suitable for WGs. These may be based on the type of health problem/disease, health risk/determinant, research design/method, prevention/intervention strategy, or a combination of these. It is desirable for a WG to be multidisciplinary and multinational in orientation and membership.
5. Organization
- While a WG operates informally and collegially, it must have at least one executive/coordinator/contact person responsible to the IUCH Council and with whom the Council can liaise and interact. A WG may also elect additional officers or assign specific tasks to individual members or committees.
- A WG has official status and is entitled to hosting special symposia/workshops in its subject area within the triennial International Congress for Circumpolar Health. A WG may also organize its own meetings, workshops and symposia at any time outside the Circumpolar Health Congress.
6. Funding
- Small sums of seed money are available from the IUCH Council for use of individual WGs.
- WGs are encouraged to apply for external funding to support its activities. The IUCH Secretariat can assist the WG in making such applications and in administering funds if necessary.
- Individual members and institutions are also encouraged to support the activities of WGs from their own research and travel funds.
7. Administrative Procedures
- A WG wishing official IUCH recognition must submit a proposal to the IUCH Council outlining its objectives and planned activities. Depending on the timing, Council may grant its approval at the next regular meeting or after a special mail-in vote of the Council members. If financial assistance from IUCH is required, a budget must also be included with a submission.
- A formal announcement on the formation of a new WG will be made by Council in International Journal of Circumpolar Health.
- A WG must submit an annual report to Council, highlighting its activities during the year and the disposal of funds, if any, which it may have received from Council.
- WGs are encouraged to publish their newsletters in the official organ of the IUCH, International Journal of Circumpolar Health, and to communicate news on their activities to their own members and the broader membership of all IUCH adhering bodies.
- WGs may use the official IUCH letterhead in communications relating to their activities.
- The IUCH Council may terminate the official status of a WG.